The theme of this edition of the “Hong Kong International Poster Triennial” is “Multiverse”, exploring how the function of posters as a medium for conveying messages can be extended in an era where digital, technological, and multimedia techniques are widely used. We invite designers worldwide to unleash their creativity and pioneer new fields that are diverse and interdisciplinary. The exhibition features a total of 155 sets of award-winning and selected posters across four competition categories: “Thematic: Multiverse”, “Promotion of Cultural Programmes”, “Commercial and Advertising”, and “Animated Poster,” along with design works by the international judges. Through graphic design, we traverse the infinite boundaries of creative imagery with the audience.
Hong Kong Heritage Museum (HKHM) is a museum complex featuring different aspects of history, art, design and culture. As design is one of the major areas of programmes, HKHM is dedicated to promoting design through collecting, researching and programming. Since 2001, the “Hong Kong International Poster Triennial”, jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Designers Association, has been a major event of the museum to document the inspiration and development of international poster design, to celebrate achievements at regular intervals and to present excellent works of design.